Search Engine Marketing - SEM


  • 20 June 2024

Different Types of Search Engine Marketing - What is SEO & SEM


by Mansi Patil

Want to grow your website traffic? Want people to find your website using relevant keywords? But don’t know how? Don’t worry; we are here to solve your problem. Various marketing tools help grow brands, and one such tool is search engine marketing (SEM).

The meaning is in its name: it suggests increasing visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs). In this blog, we’ll explore different types of search engine marketing and how businesses can leverage SEM to achieve marketing goals.

What is Search Engine Marketing (SEM)?

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a digital marketing tool that leverages paid advertisements to increase a website's visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs). This can be done through organic and paid advertising. Organic is called SEO, and the other one is paid advertising.

For popular search engines like Google and Yahoo, an auction process determines where search marketing ads rank on SERPs. Let’s understand how these search engines work concerning search engine marketing. The SEM method has various aspects and types; let’s know them.

Types of Search Engine Marketing:

Search Engine Marketing - SEM

Organic Search:

Organic search refers to organic listing through quality website content, keywords, and backlinking. It drives engagement through good-quality content, keywords, improved site structure, and backlinks from credible sources.

While organic search results may take time, they offer long-term visibility and credibility for businesses. The entire process is called SEO, or Search Engine Optimization.

Paid Search:

As the name says, that includes paid, which involves driving traffic through paid ads. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising uses keyword bidding and ad placement that appears higher on relevant result pages to increase traffic.

It is a dependable and economical form of advertising because advertisers only have to pay when a user clicks on their advertisement. Platforms like Google Ads allow you to run PPC ads and paid ad campaigns with specific keywords, demographics, geographic locations, and ad tools.

Display Advertising:

Display ads refer to graphics or multimedia ads we see appear on websites and social media platforms. These ads are placed and targeted by demographics, interests, and behaviours that make it easy to reach the potential audience.

These ads, often known as rich media ads, might be animated with several images, videos, or moving text, or they can be static with just one image. Display ads help to optimise search engine ranking and drive traffic on search engine result pages with creative marketing campaigns.

Local Search Impact on Local SEO:

Local Search Impact on Local SEO

Local search helps optimise a website's visibility on a search engine when users search for a specific keyword. When people search for particular services on a search engine like Google or Yahoo, Local search results include targeting users by demographics, keyword research, and location, which helps businesses and websites increase their visibility and relevance.

On the other hand, local search results appear, and engine marketing puts your small business front and centre with search engine ads by using sponsored search ads to target a particular local demographic and increase search volume. By combining these effective tactics, you may surpass the competition and grow your company to new heights.

Content Marketing:

Content marketing involves creating and distributing relevant and valuable content. High-quality content, such as blogs, articles, infographics, etc., helps improve search engine visibility and relevance.

Social Search:

Social search involves leveraging social media platforms to increase visibility and reach and drive traffic on social media platforms. Social media platforms are used by the majority of the population, which gives advertisers the advantage of reaching a specific target group through social media.

This includes optimising social media profiles, sharing engaging content, and engaging with followers and influencers. Social search is done to target a specific group and drive engagement accordingly. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are examples of social media mediums.

Different types of search engines:


Search engines for SEM are platforms where organic and paid search engine marketing can be carried out. Here are a few types of search engines:

Google: The most popular search engine page is Google, providing tools to optimise SEM results. Google's search engine algorithms optimise high-quality, relevant content to help implement SEM and SEO strategies.

Different Types of SEM Strategies:

SEM strategies are vital for driving traffic and reaching the target audience effectively. Here are several types of SEM strategies:

Keyword Research and Targeting: Keyword research and targeting help optimise search engine marketing strategies. Thorough research on keywords drives traffic to a website's visibility in search engines and identifies relevant target groups. Websites like Semrush and Google Keyword Planner are tools for discovering relevant keywords.

Landing Page Optimization: Landing pages should be relevant to the ad content and keywords. Landing page optimisation helps increase conversion and create more user-friendly experiences. The layout and design also help improve landing page optimisation.

A/B Testing: Conducting A/B testing helps analyse performance and identify variations or errors. This strategy helps understand paid search results and improve and optimise the website's search engine rankings.

Conclusion on Search Engine Marketing:

Search engine marketing and its types effectively drive website traffic and visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs). There are many types, and each type has its purpose and marketing method, including good-quality content, keywords, and relevant ways to reach the targeted group.

By incorporating SEO practices into every kind of SEM, businesses can maximise their online visibility, attract targeted traffic, and achieve their marketing objectives in the competitive digital landscape.


On a broad scale, I see SEO becoming a normalized marketing tactic, the same way TV, radio, and print are traditionally thought of as marketing tactics.” – Duane Forrester, Senior Product Manager, Bing

We provide a pay-per-click (PPC) solution to drive maximum queries and excessive user traffic to your website. This will help you attract a large clientele and experience spectacular success. Contact us at Zest Creative for search engine marketing and various other services. We delve into the depths of the brand’s identity and research accordingly to drive traffic, visibility, and enhancement of your brand.

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